Being a member of Metrolina REIA has many benefits. When you become a member you gain access to MANY resources.
Main Meeting Replays: You can watch the main monthly meeting recordings on demand
Education Library: Access to all the webinars for products that you can purchase from our meeting’s guest speakers
PHP Certification: View the course study of the PHP Certification class
Propstream Bonus: Access to the propstream features that are used by Larry Goins and team
Metrolina REIA Vendors: View all of the active vendors and contact information.
National REIA Vendors: View all of the National vendors and have access to any perks they may offer. (This includes the Home Depot Rebate Program and the Paint/Appliance Program.)
Social Media: View and join the Facebook and Meetup groups to have more networking outlets.
Home Depot Benefits information
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